Ex-vivo Testing
- Implement the skin efficacy visualization of ex-vivo cosmetics materials and formulations utilizing artificial skin
- Replace animal testing for skin/eye mucous membrane cosmetics safety
- Compared to the in vivo testing, the scope of research ethics is flexible, and it is possible to derive results that are closer to the human body than vitro examination
- Utilize demonstration data for cosmetics displaying and advertising
Consultation and
Quotation Request
Contract Closing and
Information Exchange
Test Completion and
Final Report Submission
Consultation andQuotation Request
Contract Closing andInformation Exchange
Test Completion andFinal Report Submission
In-vivo Testing (In-vivo)
- Skin Primary Irritation Safety Evaluation
- Skin Diagnosis and Efficacy Evaluation Utilizing the Latest Equipment(Analyze the sebum, skin surface moisture amount, skin pH, skin temperature, pores, melanin, erythema, elasticity, and wrinkles)